How can you design your hotel or wellness retreat in a way that is respectful to the land and promotes wellbeing?

Our founder Valentina had the honour of being interviewed by Sonal Uberoi, founder of SPA Balance and author of the Wellness Asset, as part of her yearly Wellness Hospitality Spotlight Webinar.
How can you design your hotel or wellness retreat in a way that is respectful to the land and promotes wellbeing?
In this session, you’ll learn what Building Biology is, what it entails and how it can help you design a hotel that is in harmony with the local environment and enhances overall wellbeing.
Here below a summary of the interview by Sonal:
-There are over 80,000 chemicals in our interior and architectural materials, most of which are not regulated. By focusing on organic, non-toxic materials, we can improve indoor air quality and reduce the harmful effects these chemicals have on our health.
-When you combine ancient design practices, like Sacred Geometry and Feng Shui, with modern practices like Building Biology, you:
→ use natural materials
→ avoid using toxic materials (eg. adhesives, paint)
→ improve indoor air quality
→ reduce the harmful effects of unregulated chemicals
You design for health.
There is a myth around Responsible Design.
"If only designing for health was straightforward".
→ 25% increase in costs compared to conventional construction
→ limited network of builders who know how to work with natural materials
Here is what I found eye-opening from my conversation with Valentina:
-When you use natural materials for construction, you save on interior furniture
-Humans have experience building naturally for much longer than we've been using chemicals and artificial materials
-Everything goes back to the earth - us and our buildings
Even more interesting was that today we carefully look at the ingredients in our foods and produce.
But when it comes to what surrounds us and the spaces we live in, we don't question the 80,000 non-regulated chemicals the construction industry uses.
You can watch the full session at the link below.